Search: 03/2017

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Book Sales

Spring Book Sale

Tuesday, May 14th through Saturday May 18th: 10:30am-5:30pm at the Sacramento SPCA

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Check out our books all year long at Amazon HERE!

Blog Post

Want to Improve Work-Life Balance? Get a Pet!
By Guest Writer, Julie Morris

Ever since humans first domesticated animals¹ tens of thousands of years ago, they have provided constant companionship for people around the world. In our fast-paced modern world, people frequently feel over-worked, and research indicates this has a negative effect² on our lives as well as on our productivity. Luckily, there is an increasing body of evidence that pets can improve quality of life, reduce stress, and boost our health. Here are some ways pet companionship can be good for your mental and physical well-being:


Wellness Clinic Survey

The mission of the Sacramento SPCA is to foster a loving and compassionate community for animals and people by providing assistance, creating lifelong relationships, and saving lives.

As part of this mission, we are committed to offering programs and services that will keep more pets and their families together for life. To do so, we are considering offering wellness services to the community and would like your input.

Please complete this short Wellness Clinic Survey - your responses are anonymous. Thank you for your participation.