Search: 04/2018

Results 1 - 10 of 15



Resource Guarding
For Dogs Who Don't Share

Resource Guarding

Does your dog growl when you try to take his stuff? Do you end up playing Keep Away with your dog every time she takes something she’s not supposed to? Does your dog eat food and other items before you can take them away? Your dog is exhibiting resource guarding behavior. 


Dog Speak
Canine Body Language

Dog Speak

Has your dog’s behavior ever caught you by surprise? Dogs often let us know how they’re feeling and what they’re about to do with subtle signals before they react. Unless you know what to look for, you might miss them! Learn how to read what your dog is saying, which can help prevent frights, fights, and bites! This is the first installment of our Dog Pro series for those who work and volunteer with dogs, as well as dog owners of all experience levels.

These seminars are for humans only. PLEASE DO NOT BRING DOGS.


Home Alone
Separation Anxiety Seminar

separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a panic disorder in dogs that is stressful for everyone. The solutions vary depending on each dog and common recommendations found online often provide no relief or make things worse. Learn how to help your dog feel more comfortable when you leave.

These seminars are for humans only. PLEASE DO NOT BRING DOGS.

Includes lecture, photo and video examples. Presented by Sacramento SPCA Behavior and Training Specialist, Lisa Mullinax, CDBC.

Ticket Price: $39


A Day for the Dogs
Saturday, May 19th: 9am-12pm

asap fitness

Crossfit ASAP is hosting a day for the dogs! Come for a work out from 9:00am-10:00am, stay for open gym until 12:00pm, and love on adoptable dogs from the Sacramento SPCA.  It’s just a suggested $5.00 to participate and 100% of donations go to the SacSPCA!

Participants do not need to be gym members to work out.

May 19th - 9:00am-12:00pm

Crossfit ASAP
1330 H St.
Sacramento, CA 95814

Blog Post

Volunteer Spotlight
Shannon & Ajay: The Banana Family

Shannon and Ajay with seven kittens

Chances are, you’ve seen these wonderful humans around campus a lot lately, and if not: meet Shannon and Ajay. You will often see them volunteering as a couple (couples who volunteer together stay together) and Shannon tells their story below.

Tell us about your role (or roles) as a volunteer?